• 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W
  • 20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W

    20-3600MHz Military Protection Security 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer 400W


    • Model: DZ808R-8
    • Shipping Weight: 28.8kg
    • 1000 Units in Stock

    Quantity Discounts

    Store Quantity Discount Policy

    5 - 1910%
    20 - 4915%
    50 - 9920%
    100 - 19925%
    200 + 30%
    * The way the Order Total modules work is that they show up at checkout time
    (complete orders today,deliverd around 06/10/2024)

    Basic Info. 

    Frequency Range 20-6000MHz/700-2600MHz
    Frequency: CDMA/GSM/3G Cellphone
    Jammer Type Waterproof Outdoor Signal Jammer 
    Channel Number 8
    Each Bands Power 50W
    Total Output Power 400W
    Jamming Range 25-300m
    Application Military Units, Prison, Police, Bomb Disposal

    Product Description

    A big merit of this rockmount high power cell phone signal jammer is that each band can adjust RF power output level or turn off without influencing the other bands' operation.

    The original antenna is external double channel directional panel antennas and you can select antennas to provide more flexibility regarding jamming coverage. The jamming coverage of this jammer is so strong that the jamming range could reach 500m, but the jamming range is also determined by the strength of signal in given area.

    Seen from its function this one jamming device is really a good one. If you are looking for one, come here! High quality and reasonable price is our promise.


    • Affected Frequency Ranges: (12 bands option)
    Output Interface Output Frequency RF Output watt
    CH1 20-80mhz 100W
    CH2 80-200MHz 100w
    CH3 200-500MHz 100w
    CH4 500-1000MHz 100w
    CH5 1000-1500MHz 100w
    CH6 1500-2000MHz 50w
    CH7 2000-2500MHz 50w
    CH8 2500-3000MHz 50w
    CH9 3000-3600MHz 50w
    Option frequency 20-6000Mhz
    Total output power 600~1200W
    Jamming range up to 500m,still depends on the strength signal in given area
    Jammer Module Number 9
    External double channel directional panel antennas all the TX frequency covered down link only
    Power supply 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC
    With AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC27V)
    Dimension 420×480×130 mm
    Design Customized Jammer
    HS Code 8543709200
    Packing Neutral Packing

    We could supply customized service by your detail requirements about frequencies setting. All 6-12 Frequency modules we can mix very flexibly.

    CDMA 800: 851-894MHz
    GSM 900: 925-960MHz
    DCS 1800: 1800-1880MHz
    PHS 1900: 1920-1990MHz
    3G 2100(UMTS): 2110-2170MHz
    WIFI 2.4G Bluetooth: 2400-2500MHz
    WiFi3.6G: 3500-3600MHz
    Wi-Fi5.2G: 5100-5500MHz
    WIFI 5.8G 5725-5850MHz
    4G/LTE 700M: 725-770MHz(US)
    4G/LTE 800M: 790-826MHz(EU)
    4G Wimax: 2300-2400MHz(US)
    4G Wimax: 2620-2690MHz(EU)
    GPS/L1: 1500-1600MHz
    GPS/L2: 1200-1300MHz
    GPS/L3: 1300-1400MHz
    GPS/L4: 1100-1200MHz
    VHF: 135-174MHz
    UHF: 400-470MHz
    Lojack: 167-175MHz
    RF315: 315MHz
    RF433: 433MHz
    RF868: 868MHz


    Built-in high capacity battery and portable design make this jammer applicable to meeting halls,infantry,military security force,SWAT team,bomb squad,anti-terrorism units,anti-drag units,anti-riot force,the EOD team,checkpoints,hostage negotiations,border control,etc...


    • High Power Cell Phone Signal Jammer
    • Antennas
    • Power cable

    Terms and conditions:

    Delivery Time Schedule Delivery time is 3 weeks, Delivery will be initiated from date of receipt of confirmed purchase order and advance remittance in our bank.
    Payment Terms 40% advance, 40% after one month,20% before shipping.
    Terms of Delivery FOB HONGKONG/ USA.
    Warranty 36 months.
    Software Updates Free software updates will be provided for a period of 36 months.
    Extended Warranty After 4th Year : 5% of total for each years.

    R&D Group in USA

    We have strong and excellent R&D group in USA, who dedicated to the research and development of our new products.We are consumer-oriented and do our best to offer satisfying products to customers.

    Manufacturer in CHINA

    A full line of products - We have a full line of cellular jamming products from low-cost portable units to high-spec industrial units.

    We are the specialists in cell phone Jammers and GPS Jammer, WIFI Jammer,  3G Jammer, 4G Jammer, Lojack Jammer, UHF/VHF Jammer, RF Jammer, Audio Jammer,Wireless Video Jammer and signal Repeater/Amplifier/Booster etc.We offer unparalleled professional service and advice for our personal and commercial products. 10+ years of industry experience makes us the specialists you can trust. We pioneered all kind of jammers online sales, and offer the best cellular jamming prices worldwide - guaranteed. We are a developer, manufacturer and reseller of cell phone jamming devices and signal Repeater devices. products include GSM Jammer, CDMA jammer, DCS/PCS Jammer, GPS Jammer, WIFI Jammer, 3G Jammer, Audio Jammer, Wireless Video Jammer, Dual Band Repeater,Tri Band Repeater etc.
    Our Jammer type have Portable Jammers, Desktop Jammer, Prison Jamme, Vehicular jammer, Bomb Jammer, IED Jammer and RF Jammer.
